Go back with me to a scene in a well-known movie, The Wizard of Oz. In this movie, Dorothy is looking for that sacred place, home. She tries to take the shortcut to get there but quickly realizes it's a bad idea. She finally understands that if she stays the course, she'll eventually make it home. That's how it is in life. We try to take the shortcuts, but each time we come running back to God wondering why we're in such a mess. This verse lets us know that He has a place prepared for us...if we'll only follow Him and stop trying to take the shortcuts. I know the shortcut may seem easier because we seem to be living on easy street, but I guarantee, it will catch up with us. Stay in His will and you'll make it home. As a dear friend of mine, Brenda Blankenship reminded me, "when you're in God's will, you're going to be in Satan's way."
Father, I lift up my readers. Give us all the strength to stay the course-the course you have planned for us. It's so much better than anything we could ever plan or any shortcuts we could take. In Jesus Name, amen.
"When you're in God's will, you're going to be in Satan's way." Wow, Brenda, what a powerful statement! Thanks for sharing from your heart this morning, Jamie. We all need those prayers. Looking forward to seeing you at The Cove in a few weeks!