Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Change Without Warrning

"For I am the Lord, I do not change."
(Malachi 3:6, New King James Version)

The phone call came without warrning. The phone would ring on that normal Friday evening to tell us that my uncle had been in an accident. It would let us know that he'd been severely burned by a radiator exploding. A normal Friday night, pierced by an unwanted, unwelcomed phone call. That goes to show us how quickly life can change. It can change without warrning, and most of all, with no reason. Even though our family was left with thoughts of fear of the unknown, thoughts that we didn't know what we would be told when we arrived at the hospital, we knew that even though our world had just changed, our God never changed, and never will! Isn't it great to know that even when our life seems to change without warrning, God never changes. He still remains the same yesterday, today and forever! He's unchangeable, unshakable, and unstoppable! When we feel as though our world has fallen apart, we can still turn to an ever-present God! He was our source of strength that night, and He will be yours as well. Ladies, when you feel like your life has changed without an explannation of why, remember, you serve an unchanging God! If you're struggling to understand the change that has come into your life today, seek the Lord and His counsel. He will be with you every step of the way!

Father, help us to see that when unexpected change comes into our lives, you are there and will never change! Amen!


  1. Jamie! This is an excellent post. Thank you for reminding us that no matter what happens, God is still on the throne. You are a blessing.

  2. Beautiful devotional. Yes, God is there for us through it all. Blessings, BJ
